This week’s triple planetary retrograde puts the human race through their paces as Uranus rearranges financial systems, Jupiter mixes messages, and Mars barges around the home zone. Thank heavens for Venus in Pisces. Here’s your weekly horoscope for January 20–26, 2025.
Aquarius, Jan 20–Feb 18
Happy birthday, Waterpourers! Welcome to your month in the sun and Aquirkyians’ annual time to share your original opinions and visionary thinking. Don’t be shy about self-promotion either, because this isn’t your business-as-usual year, it’s a boomer. New, unusual, different? Bring it on.
Pisces, Feb 18–Mar 20
As this week lets up on the serious attitude in favour of more fun, it’s worth remembering that progressive Aquarian influences are primarily mental and not necessarily sympathetic to emotional overflow. Feelings won’t be regarded as facts, because they aren’t, so best to keep a clear perspective on unsubstantiated disclosures.
Aries, Mar 21–Apr 19
People are changing their minds faster than this week’s weather, so trying to get others on board with doing things your way is frankly like herding cats. But with Venus in persuasive mode, you should focus on spreading affection to whoever is on your bandwidth who is likely to lead to more satisfying results.
Taurus, Apr 20–May 20
Taurans adore stability. However, things might get a little wobbly this week with your prima planet Venus, not in a particularly dependable mode where promises and commitment are concerned. Looks like a general tendency to mind-changing and indecision might be about to give that famous Taurean patience a workout.
Gemini, May 21–Jun 20
The sun quantum-leaping into the sign of wild ideas sets that busy machine, the Gemini mind, to working at warp speed. This could see thinking outside the box paying off big time this week, but also suggests an increased need for impulse control of discretionary spending.
Cancer, Jun 21–Jul 22
If you’ve used the resolute resolve of this year’s first weeks to instil some new order in Crab Casa, then top marks. If not, this week’s fast and furious celestial energetics could flick the switch on a rush of productive energy for a quick reset or necessary change of perspective.
Leo, Jul 23–Aug 22
Unconventional, try-it-and-see Aquarius season directs this week towards new experiences with unusual people off the beaten track. Experimenting with spontaneous improvisation. Taking a change from your usual routine for the path less travelled. Do things differently and in ways you hadn’t even thought of before.
Virgo, Aug 23–Sep 22
Been overdoing it recently to the point of a personal power outage? This week’s electric Aquarian influx replugs the current. Deep-breathe through impatience with complications, and resist the urge to do everything yourself. Influential connections and backup support are there for you. So don’t hesitate in asking for assistance.
Libra, Sep 23–Oct 22
The current airy, earthy, watery elements call for a dynamic balance between structure and spontaneity. With Venus inviting your wild self out to play and this week’s love coming in unusual packages, don’t be too quick to dismiss appearances lest angels in disguise pass by unrecognised.
Scorpio, Oct 23–Nov 21
The current star map suggests your powers of observation, expression, and timing are likely to be peaking this week. If intellectually progressive Uranian influences download startling flashes of insight, let these brew for a bit. Give them the time they need to connect the dots to the correct conclusions.
Sagittarius, Nov 22–Dec 21
The Sun leaving can-do Capricorn for what-if Aquarius has this week percolating with forward momentum, and you thinking bigger picture, past personal parameters to community levels. And potentially using this astral boost to get some powerfully productive brainstorming going with who you know about what they know.
Capricorn, Dec 22–Jan 19
Capricorns tend to favour getting to know people slowly, taking into account practical compatibilities, loyalty, reliability, and commitment. Boring? It suits you. But this week’s planetary alignments suggest that a spontaneous decision or inspirational leap of faith could open the door to a new and potentially successful partnership.