When Ben Rodgers first began dating Mahalia Barnes back in 2006, little did he know Christmas would change forever.
Ben comes from what Mahalia dubs “a normal-sized family”. Attending a Barnes holiday gathering — with two generations of Australian music royalty along with their significant others and offspring — was something of a shock to the senses.
“The first Christmas Ben spent with my family was one where we had a ridiculous number of people,” she laughs at his debut into their Christmas chaos. “On average, we have 40, sometimes up to 70. There’s a lot of food being made, so Ben got absorbed into the kitchen and was given lots of jobs.”
“It was the greatest way to learn to cook,” Ben adds with a smile. “As the family Christmases go on, everybody has their roles. Mine is usually the roast potatoes. Jimmy is in charge of the gravy. Mahalia’s aunt Jep’s trifle is famous. So everybody has their specialty.”
Since they married and had their two children, Ruby (now 15 and about to release her own debut single, ‘Hits to the Heart’) and Rosie, eight, Christmas has only become bigger and better.
And so this year, as is their tradition, the day will start with a photo of the four wearing matching pyjamas. Next, they’ll gather their handmade gifts to take to the all-in festivities.
Since Mahalia was small, the Barnes have had a tradition where they make presents for their family members rather than purchase expensive items.
“It means you walk away from the day with a whole bunch of gifts that somebody has put a lot of love, effort and time into,” explains Mahalia.
“It’s a really nice way to show your love for each other as well as from a sustainability point of view and from a financial perspective.”
“Once I made drawings and then Mummy put them on a tea towel,” pipes in Rosie excitedly.
“Ben made a sourdough starter – Ben was the sourdough guy during COVID,” adds Mahalia. “We’ve made all kinds of things from cushions to food items.”
But it’s not just the gifts that are chosen and made with care. It turns out, the Barnes family are notoriously competitive – and one of the ways that plays out is in the Christmas wrapping. And so, each family member will try to outdo the other and Mahalia is already planning her 2024 theme in the hopes she’ll emerge victorious as best wrapper.
“I’ve had years where I’ve done a traditional style and others where I’ve gone to the extreme — made our own stamps, printed our own wrapping paper,” she says. “One year I even sewed beads and sequins into the paper. Now I’ve started doing fabric.”
The Barnes competitive streak also bleeds into their individual music playlists for the day.
“We have a few giant playlists that have been made by various members of the family,” Mahalia says. “David’s [Campbell] mix has a lot of crooners. Mark Lizotte (Aunt Jep’s husband) involves all sorts of Christmas stuff. Mine is a lot of soul. And Dad likes to play the Tin Lids Christmas album!”
With Jimmy having experienced several health scares in 2024, what Mahalia — and the entire family — are hoping for this Christmas is being able to slow down a little. So they can enjoy the day with the people they love the most.
“Thankfully Dad’s on the mend and very well,” Mahalia says. “Last year was a little bit tumultuous for him — he literally got out of the hospital a few days before
Christmas from his open-heart surgery. So hopefully this year is a little less eventful! I’m just looking forward to it being calm and quiet. Just a nice, relaxed Christmas together.”
Mahalia is currently touring in Jesus Christ Superstar. Get tickets at jesuschristsuperstarmusical.com.au
This article originally appeared in the Christmas 2024 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. Pick up the latest issue from your local newsagent or subscribe so you never miss an issue.