
Your Monthly Horoscope for April 2024

Here's what's in store for you this month.

As we enter a new month, the slate is wiped clean and there are endless possibilities for growth. See what’s in store for your relationships, career, and emotions in the month ahead, here’s your April horoscope for 2024

Aries, Mar 21 – Apr 21

Happy New Year Rams, as the astrological calendar hits refresh in your firecracker sign. When the potent mix of sun, Venus and the new moon eclipse in Aries on April 8 invites the spirit of forgiveness, consider it time to stop relitigating those old issues. Yes, retro Mercury in your sign until April 25 gives this year’s solar cycle an additional stretch, but don’t you of all signs relish a challenge? Just be aware when your impatience starts breaking the speed limit, and focus on finding the fine line between the truthful and the tactless.

Taurus, Apr 22 – May 21

Expansive Jupiter and changemaker Uranus only align every 14 years. So make the most of this month’s rare planetary pairing in Taurus to step beyond whatever you’ve outgrown onto a larger platform. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rethink what it is you have to offer the world, to possibly craft a new combination of classic and cutting edge. But be advised that April’s Mercury slowdown is all about tapping the brakes and taking time out to ask the necessary and relevant questions before revving the accelerator.

Gemini, May 22 – Jun 22

Just as you were getting into the year’s stride, Mercury – galactic guardian of communication, technology and travel – backs into feisty, signal-jamming mode for three weeks on ‘planet text message’. Be prepared to downshift this month, even go back to the drawing board to review, reconsider and reshape. With massive cosmic energy switching on the ignition of your imagination, ask: What new approach is possible here? Be satisfied with micro-steps and bite-sized achievements until sweet relief arrives in the last week of April with Mercury on the move again.

Cancer, Jun 23 – Jul 23

This month’s turbo-charged, game-changing, fresh-start new moon eclipse on April 9 could re-energise something that has been rebirth. Though, be advised that this is likely to require leaving a piece of your old life behind, taking the initiative with what matters to you, and trying new ways of doing things. When the intense full moon lunar eclipse on April 24 shines her high beams of mystery and intrigue, a secret could be revealed – if you can let your guard down long enough to receive it.

Leo, Jul 24 – Aug 23

Mercury is backpedalling this month, so expect technical setbacks, missed communications and delayed responses. Your best sanity-saving strategies? Slow down and just keep taking care of what business you can. Only sign if you’ve checked the fine print. Get reference numbers. Try not to lose your temper when buttons get pushed. Don’t yell at the customer service person on the other end of the line. So what’s this month good for? It’s absolutely splendid for reinventing yourself, bringing curiosity to your game, exploring novelty, welcoming differences and agreeing to disagree.

Virgo, Aug 24 – Sep 23

Only say yes to what sparks joy this month, which might actually mean saying no. Surround yourself with people who light up when they see you and have no agenda for your reform. While it’s normal to be cautious during Mercury retrogrades, taking a graceful initiative could pay off this April, so go ahead and extend that invitation. The full moon lunar eclipse on April 24 is your best date for addressing issues before they trigger bigger problems. Is everyone feeling supported and getting what they need? Course correct as necessary.

Libra, Sep 24 – Oct 23

With magnetic Venus putting on her best red dress and unapologetically strutting her stuff, this exuberant and assertive month could spark some bold adventures. As April’s celestial stimulus encourages you to play with new stylings, give your decor a seasonal refresh and make those first moves; don’t hesitate to ask, “What if?” And if overtures don’t pan out in quite the way you might have liked, then it’s definitely worth exploring Libran actor Carrie Fisher’s creative Venusian advice: Take your broken heart and make it into art.

Scorpio, Oct 24 – Nov 22

As the planetary kaleidoscope shifts our world into new patterns this April, Scorpio actor Tilda Swinton’s recipe for radical living makes excellent sense: Trust in change. Forgive human frailty. Make friends with chaos. Dance daily. Challenge assumptions. Listen to the quiet. Defy unkindness. Look upwards … The intense full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on April 24, also known as a blood moon, is a profoundly healing time to schedule deep and meaningful conversations. It’s also Scorpio’s annual personal date to celebrate your loyal spirit, your sexy self, and your evolving life path.

Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21

When this impetuous, impulsive month’s flammable clash between Pluto and the Sun brings tempestuous emotions to the surface, if you choose to challenge something, demonstrate your strength by remaining composed. Practise your best negotiating skills by standing up for your beliefs without making others wrong. As late April’s energetics shift from simmering fire to a cooler earth element and Mercury turns forward, then it’s time to move past offended feelings and take advantage of the celestial support available for getting those wild ideas and passionate sparks into productive form.

Capricorn, Dec 22 – Jan 20

This energetic month kicks off with impatient Mars and cautious Saturn, your planet mentor, locked in a push-pull, start-stop, whiplash dynamic, with speedy Mars urging to “just do it” and security guard Saturn warning that haste makes waste. All of which makes your savviest strategy staying in cruise control until planetary shifts move the last 10 days of April to a more Capricorn-friendly element. From then on, it’s all systems go to refine raw ideas, get industrious assembly lines rolling and then reward yourself with your favourite kind of luxury upgrade.

Aquarius, Jan 21 – Feb 19

April’s winds of change rattling your panes and shaking your shutters might feel like you’re in the heavy-wash cycle at the cosmic laundrette. But this month’s Plutonic rearrangements are also highly favourable for a system reboot, so revise your flight plan, adjust your work procedures, streamline and reassess. It’s time to courageously blaze your own way, even if that means diverging from a job, group or even a relationship. Trust yourself to share whatever knowledge you’ve distilled, because your innovative mindset could just produce a solution nobody’s thought of yet.

Pisces, Feb 20 – Mar 20

Neptune, Saturn, Venus and Mars are all aligned in your sign, so cosmic choreography for the first few days of April couldn’t be more auspicious. But with steamy Mars meeting misty Neptune head-on, it could be hard to tell an oasis from a mirage, so best hold off making binding decisions till after April 26. In the meantime, use the opportunity to absorb the courage of Mars into your compassionate nature, and tune into taskmaster Saturn highlighting growth areas where you need to work at polishing your skills and knowledge.

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