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Your weekly horoscope for December 9–15, 2024

Here's what's in store for your zodiac sign this week.

Venus quantum-leaping into experimental, unconventional Aquarius and Neptune flowing forward again in intuitive Pisces suggest this week’s best problem-solving strategy, besides being kind, is tuning into inspirational flashes. Here’s your weekly horoscope for December 9-15.


Sagittarius, Nov 22–Dec 21

Could the last week of Mercury retrograde in your sign possibly be laid back? That’s your call. So don’t stress. Make ‘Take It Easy’ your mantra. Try not to be too effusive or emphatic. Listen to people’s concerns, and answer them sincerely. Conditions are more amenable next week.

Capricorn, Dec 22–Jan 19

With Mars and Mercury scrambling signals and mixing messages, savvy Capricorns will check arrangements, reconfirm bookings and leave early when travelling this week. Also be diplomatic about what you say, the way you say it, and posting on socials. And leave room for a little magic. Better still, a lot.  

Aquarius, Jan 20–Feb 18

Love planet Venus bringing her electric presence to Aquarius for the rest of December makes your cool, calm, objective charm a welcome contribution to this week’s festive complications and complexities. It’s your time now to give Aquarian individuality free rein, to enjoy celebrating friendship, community and the holiday season.

Pisces, Feb 18–Mar 20

As December’s pace escalates, the urge to get away from the maddening crowds becomes increasingly pressing, so if you’re able to slip off for a refreshing getaway, do it! Your heads-up arrives this week when Neptune surges out of hibernation in Pisces and the uncertainties of recent months are clarified.    


Aries, Mar 21–Apr 19

Feisty, tempestuous Mars retrograde could fly into a tantrum at the slightest provocation this week, so serve your nerves by opting out of the drama. How to handle puzzling behaviour and unsettling situations? Be patient, let an acceptable solution come to you, and don’t pressure yourself to act until it does.

Taurus, Apr 20–May 20

Dramatic Mars in its most theatrical mode suggests that end-of-year festivities could get quite vivid, so best keep it profesh at office parties and social gatherings. Be proactive: hydrate well, dine before wine, and then get yourself into a calm frame of mind to sit back and enjoy the show.

Gemini, May 21–Jun 20

If tricky Mercury retrograde in the sign of busy tongues initiates some bickering or uncharitable communication this week, lean away from this and into the coming weekend’s annual full moon in Gemini bringing its cornucopia of delightful socialising with friends and family, colleagues, and community.

Cancer, Jun 21–Jul 22

People can’t read your mind, so tell them what’s on it, especially during next weekend’s chatty full moon in the expressive sign of the celestial Twins. This also suggests listening to your inner twin: that trusted voice that guides you to the right, though sometimes surprising, decisions.


Leo, Jul 23–Aug 22

Mars backpedalling in Leo for the rest of the festive season suggests you organised majesties get as much holiday prep as possible done ahead of time. Meaning, you can put your paws up and enjoy the year’s finale in a suitable style. Lead with your heart this week, and accessorise from there.

Virgo, Aug 23–Sep 22

Don’t waste energy trying to get the facts this week, with some people getting carried away with their own storytelling and others just being contrarian. Rather than fixating on this, plus all the unfinished stuff you need to get done, tune in instead to the big picture and spirit of joyful togetherness.

Libra, Sep 23–Oct 22

With combative Mars and peacekeeping Venus in a rare and awkward misalignment, feelings could ricochet between extremes and simmering tensions boil over this week. So let bridge-building Venus direct you towards common ground and productive discussions, even if they start as arguments.

Scorpio, Oct 23–Nov 21

With the flammable combination of feisty Mars, trigger-happy Mercury and end-of-year cocktails, situations could easily erupt. Your best gift to the season of unreason? Keeping in mind Scorpio Kurt Vonnegut’s exemplary observation that the purpose of human life is to love whoever is around to be loved.


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