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Your weekly horoscope for January 6-12, 2024

Here's what's in store for your zodiac sign this week.
Abstract Capricorn zodiac sign illustration with planets and stars on a blue background.

A little more on the north/south nodal shift starting mid-January: what we can achieve during its year-and-a-half cycle, and what it means to your sign. Here’s your weekly horoscope for January 6-12, 2024.


Capricorn, Dec 22–Jan 19

This year’s south node in Capricorn’s zone of belief systems asks what can you delete that’s no longer serving you. This preps you for the north node’s current invitation to offer your accumulated experience to the wider community, perhaps passing on your expertise by mentoring or teaching.

Aquarius, Jan 20–Feb 18

The north node changing places this January directs Aquarian focus onto values, as in redefining what is currently of primary importance in your life, including your self-worth. It’s an auspicious time to reframe your relationship with money and how you make it, to assess material possessions against spiritual wealth.

Pisces, Feb 18–Mar 20

For the next eighteen months, the south node’s celestial axis indicates you’ll be changing and upgrading the way you’ve been managing relationships, because as Piscean genius Albert Einstein so elegantly observed: We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.

Aries, Mar 21–Apr 19

Featuring responsibilities and authority figures, this week asks you to balance your urge for independence with negotiation and cooperation. To harness that rebel Aries spirit in support of others, and your own best interests. And not to make hard work of it: to be creative, let go and let it flow.


Taurus, Apr 20–May 20

With change-maker Uranus backed up in your sign predicting ongoing economic disturbances and the disarray of supply chains, what to do? Venus recommends what comes naturally to your earthy sign: planning your personal and business life according to the cyclic and seasonal principles outlined last week.

Gemini, May 21–Jun 20

Your planet mentor Mercury in highly focussed mode for most of this month is spot on for concentrated attention to detail. This could incline the general populace to take things a bit too seriously for your taste, so add some Gemini spritz to lighten and brighten weighty exchanges. Please.   

Cancer, Jun 21–Jul 22

Antsy planet Mars reversing into your sign needs careful handling. If you’re feeling extra sensitive, be firm with boundaries. This year’s north node placement advises nurturing relationships with people who have your back and support your expansion into broader horizons, liberating perspectives and bigger pictures.

Leo, Jul 23–Aug 22

This year’s north node in your personal zone of intimacy and shared resources offers Leos a rich journey of psychological self-development plus a renewed sense of connection through the process of interacting and making inclusive spaces for your audience, patrons, family, friends and community.


Virgo, Aug 23–Sep 22

This year’s north node highlights your healing road towards partnership renovations and more fulfilling relationships, starting with guess who? Yes, you. So be extra gentle and kind as you say sayonara to past versions of yourself, like a snake shedding her old skin for this season’s shiny new look.

Libra, Sep 23–Oct 22

Venus and this year’s north node focus on refinement and elegance combine to underline the continuing need to feed your body, mind and spirit quality nourishment. Think order, simplicity, clarity, charity work and healing walks in nature (the original antidepressant) to clear accumulations of inner clutter.

Scorpio, Oct 23–Nov 21

For the next year and a half, the astrological north node calls Scorpios towards a creative renaissance in your zone of self-expression, whatever that is for you: a new love, true love, adding to your family, opening your own business, writing that memoir, taking a job doing what you really love.

Sagittarius, Nov 22–Dec 21

With your mentor planet Jupiter retrograde in the Sagittarian heart department, focus on caring personal connections will pay off in increased support from others. Meanwhile, the north node underlines the importance of establishing a calm, stable base and unshakeable inner core in the eye of this year’s existential storms.


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