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Your weekly horoscope for September 2-8, 2024

Here's what's in store for your zodiac sign this week.

September’s start-up new moon and power-walking sun sprint into spring in the sign of service, encouraging us all to make a difference for someone this month by going the extra mile. Here’s your weekly horoscope September 2-8, 2024.

Virgo, Aug 23 – Sep 22

As September celebrates your month in the sun, feel its rush of spring optimism lifting you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to compost what’s no longer wanted or needed into fuel for your new astrological year. Because you, more than any sign, can discriminate between toxins and nutrients.

Libra, Sep 23 – Oct 22

Early September’s sun and new moon invite you to a delicious spring clean, inner and outer: everything from unhelpful habits to what makes it onto your dinner plate. Late week Libra moon and Mars in the sign of home entertaining couldn’t be more auspicious for hosting chez vous.

Scorpio, Oct 23 – Nov 21

Restless Mars in Scorpio’s home zone could see cabin fever on this week’s menu, so get out of the house whenever possible and channel frustrations into physical outlets. Don’t engage with devil’s advocates, do be open to unexpected ideas. Extract the wisdom from any critical feedback or roadblocks you encounter.

Sagittarius, Nov 22 – Dec 21

This month’s finicky choreography asks you to balance your brilliantly quick perception with patience and empathy when others slower than your good self want to go over every little detail. Best humour them, because they’re paying attention to the small print and conditions that you might have missed.

Capricorn, Dec 22 – Jan 19

Pluto completing its last hurrah in your corporate sign asks for a rigorous inspection of financial structures. Use this valuable window of opportunity to clarify your goals, ambitions and objectives. Map out what you need to get you there, from timelines and costings to division of labour.

Aquarius, Jan 20 – Feb 18

As your planet boss Uranus rearranges our financial world, the only thing to expect is the unexpected. Economic progress may be slower during this cycle, but don’t be discouraged. Innovative Uranus always supports investigating new terrain, so keep on trying different approaches until you make a breakthrough. 

Pisces, Feb 18 – Mar 20

September’s celestial energetics in your opposite and complementary sign on the zodiac wheel provides the welcome balance of routine to your meandering Piscean style. If you could use a life edit (what Piscean couldn’t?) this efficient week helps pare down, streamline and organize towards maximum effectiveness.

Aries, Mar 21 – Apr 19

Aries’ mentor planet Mars recommends not rushing into decisions this week, as all cards aren’t on the table yet. September’s love language is acts of service and you’re an active sign, so feel the love by offering others extra TLC and thoughtful support.You’ll find it goes both ways. 

Taurus, Apr 20 – May 20

Uranus retrograde in your sign for the next five months may cause economic changes, but this needn’t be a bad thing; it was time to give your finances an overhaul anyway. And while you’re at it, Venus suggests a spring declutter and seasonal update of your closet and home decor.

Gemini, May 21 – Jun 20

This week’s Mercury is excellent for artistic self-expression, so take advantage of the articulate planet’s eloquent creative stimulus. It’s not so good for objectivity though, so you’ll need to really listen to feedback to get the best from it before Mercury moves into more logical, analytical mode.

Cancer, Jun 21 – Jul 22

Mars zooms into your domestic sign for the next two months with new spring resolutions to shake off winter with lean eating and exercise. The red planet can inspire renovations, redecorating, even a home-based business – but it can also escalate tensions, so make sure everyone has enough personal space.

Leo, Jul 23 – Aug 22

With disruptive Uranus joining outer planets Pluto, Chiron, Neptune and Saturn in retrograde, it might feel like the universe is raining on your parade, but don’t let this dampen your spirits. Use the astral assist of Mercury in your sign to work systematically and efficiently, and delegate where necessary.

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