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Your horoscope for the year ahead

The Weekly’s astrologer, Lilith Rocha, reveals what’s in store for your astrological sign in 2025.

Are you ready for your horoscope for 2025? The slow-moving outer planets of our solar system historically accompany significant shifts in terrestrial trends. Four of these heavenly heavyweights are switching positions in the same timeframe promising — a wild ride for 2025.


Pluto and Uranus rise from earth signs into airy Aquarius and Gemini. Thus, accelerating both the rate of global change and the need to lighten and simplify our lives.

Our reliance on technology is escalating. So, it becomes increasingly necessary to remember that our minds and hearts have infinitely more creative intelligence than any robot.

Neptune and Saturn shake off their watery residue in fiery Aries to encourage us to keep tuning into what it means to be human. This intense time cycle invites everyone to make their unique, varied and rogue contributions to collective life on the planet we call home.  

Continue reading to discover your yearly horoscope for 2025...

Aquarius illustration.

Aquarius, Jan 21-Feb 19

Big picture: Neptune and Saturn are heading into your communication headquarters. The zodiac’s most independent sign predicts that this year you will insist more than ever on dancing to the beat of your own drum.

Money matters: Aquarians will have a faster grasp of this year’s fluctuating financial parameters than most. From July onwards, your guiding planet, Uranus, downloads a deluge of insights on how best to benefit from seesawing economies.

Connections: This year’s cavalcade of rebels, radical progressives, revolutionary thinkers, mystic scientists, and technological inventors are just your Aquarian cup of 4D-printed tea. Enjoy!


The inner you: Be mindful of the power of the spoken and written word, and whether yours are causing division or unity. As Aquarian comedian Barry Humphries noted, we have at our disposal a great language, and the imaginative, creative use of that language can be put to the service of humour.

Food for thought: “The likelihood that your acts of resistance cannot stop the injustice does not exempt you from acting in what you sincerely and reflectively hold to be the best interests of your community.” Aquarian essayist Susan Sontag.

Pisces illustration.

Pisces, Feb 20 -Mar 20

Big picture: Your mentor planet, Neptune, is occupying the pioneering sign of forward drive for the next 14 years. It focuses on the meandering Piscean trajectory with increasingly specific purpose and direction.


Money matters: A year to be very careful with money. Don’t disdain professional advice. Do adopt Saturn’s mantra of “less is better”, and slow is the way to go.

Connections: Your guiding planet’s placement for the foreseeable future is likely to attract more vigorous and committed allies than usual. Think social activists and innovative eco-entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the world.

The inner you: In the face of environmental disasters, economic uncertainty, and political instability your best response is an inner revolution. Release grudges, let go of judgments, and drop unexpected love bombs in the form of poems, hugs, and random acts of kindness.

Food for thought: “Think magic. Think delight. Do what intrigues you, explore what interests you. Think mystery, not mastery. Learn, when hit by loss, to ask the right question: What next? Instead of: Why me? Whatever you think you can do or believe you can begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it.” Piscean artist Julia Cameron. 

Aries illustration.

Aries, Mar 21-Apr 21

Big picture: Neptune commences its long journey through your sign this March and asks: What is the most important thing you can do this year? What is your burning purpose? And Saturn joining the blue planet in May downloads master plans of patience and restraint for a newer, truer level of Aries leadership.

Money matters: This year your confidence and conviction attract backers with money like bees to honey. As Aries Joseph Campbell famously advised, “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”

Connections: Neptune’s sensitive influence brings a uniquely calm and curious flavour to this year’s relationships. Your willingness to learn from others increases, and your authenticity inspires more people than you could ever know.


The inner you: Planetoid Chiron continues its nine-year transit through your sign, unravelling the intricate knots embedded in your life chart. Unlock this year’s healing potential (Chiron’s symbol is a key) by turning antsy assertiveness into empathetic engagement.

Food for thought: “The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious; the desire to reach hearts is wise. Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” Aries writer and activist Maya Angelou.

Taurus illustration.

Taurus, Apr 22-May 21

Big picture: As Uranus the Rearranger completes its seven-year sojourn in Taurus, Saturn and Neptune move into your sector of final cycles. Thereby supporting your acknowledgement of the changes you’ve already made and your confidence to embrace the future’s shifting rhythms.


Money matters: Security-conscious Taureans manage their financial affairs carefully. But, with global economies in more flux than ever, it pays to investigate alternative strategies of money handling.

Connections: When Uranus moves from Taurus in July, expect a more vivid and lively social life. Your interest in community work and activism may blossom as well.

The inner you: Don’t underestimate the impact that fast-moving innovations have on the natural workings of your personal ecology. Protect this by stepping away from devices more often to cherish human connection, communication and creativity.

Food for thought: “To be alive in this beautiful, self-organising universe — to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it — is a wonder beyond words.” Taurus environmental activist Joanna Macy.

Gemini illustration.

Gemini, May 22 – Jun 22

Big picture: With this year’s triple outer-planetary emphasis in your sector of friendship and ambitions, it’s time to reconsider how you communicate and interact with others on personal, social and professional levels.

Money matters: As Uranus, the planet of change, embarks on its seven-year cycle in Gemini this July, expect the unexpected on all levels, including financial. The good news? Jupiter moving into your money sector activates unforeseen possibilities, offers, and openings.

Connections: Uranus in your sign asks you to re-evaluate your relationships, with a challenge to honestly assess who and what you’ve outgrown, including parts of yourself, and then move forward accordingly.


The inner you: Rather than creating more distractions think stillness, contemplation, and centring exercises to stay grounded in the present. Enjoy all the small, ordinary daily joys.

Food for thought: “I dream of faraway places, but ultimately, what I long for isn’t far away at all. It’s in my own backyard. Imperfection charms me, familiar things move me: A celebration of what we have, instead of what we long for.” Gemini actress Isabella Rossellini.

Cancer illustration.

Cancer, Jun 23 – Jul 23

Big picture: Expect benefits and blessings with the mid-year advent of Jupiter, the large and lucky planet, gracing your sign. Look forward to finding yourself in the right place at the right time with the right people. Along with receiving significant results for a relatively small effort.


Money matters: Cancerians’ financial landscape looks set for a marked improvement from June onwards. This is when generous Jupiter makes its once-every-12-years arrival in your sign.

Connections: As the trinity of Neptune, Saturn, and Chiron in your sector of social standing brings recognition and responsibilities, others are increasingly likely to turn to you for emotional support and advice.

The inner you: Your kind and caring heart loves to nurture others. However, self-care is your biggest ask this year: look after numero uno, your precious self.

Food for thought: “Peace in every home, every street, every village, every country – this is my dream. Education for every boy and every girl in the world. To sit down on a chair and read my books with all my friends at school is my right. To see every human being with a smile of happiness is my wish.” Cancerian women’s rights activist and world’s youngest Nobel Prize Laureate, Malala Yousafzai.

Leo illustration.

Leo, Jul 24 -Aug 23

Big picture: This year’s astrological influx into your sector of adventure invites you to new horizons which flavour this year with a strong sense of self-discovery through the process of creating new ways of operating in this changing world.

Money matters: Entrepreneurial thinkers (and that’s who if not you?) will be looking out for economic opportunities available in the continuing flux of global money markets and general world turbulence. Plan to be amazed at what’s possible.

Connections: Your primary connections this year are likely to be vivacious fellow fire types. Forerunners and organisers at the front lines of groups and movements, ventures, and events.


The inner you: It would be easy and understandable to get swept up in this year’s passionate ideals and revolutionary restlessness, so it’s essential to spend regular time alone in your favourite serene place. Check in with your intuition for the highest way forward.

Food for thought: “Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity. I invented my life by taking for granted that everything I did not like would have an opposite, which I would like.” Leo fashion icon Coco Chanel.

Virgo illustration.

Virgo, Aug 24 -Sep 23 

Big picture: This year’s exciting trifecta of Saturn’s, Neptune’s, and Chiron’s most enthusiastic and courageous placements cultivate the resilience to take risks and say yes to learning curves that help you progress in quantum leaps.


Money matters: As 2025 brings more financial surprises increasingly becoming the new normal, other signs may struggle, but budget-balancing is a Virgo birthright. You’ll do more with less this year and make belt-tightening look like the latest fashion statement.

Connections: Partnerships are this year’s PowerPoint. Uranus is busy replacing associations you’ve outgrown with a vibrant new network that invites you to take a walk on the wilder side of life.

The inner you: Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron all express energetically through a very physical sign that recommends revamping your workout routine and health regimen. Try walking barefoot, dancing like no one’s watching, enjoying your amazing body, and listening to what it tells you.

Food for thought: “Art can make a difference because it pulls people up short. It says, don’t accept things for their face value; you don’t have to go along with any of this; you can think for yourself.” Virgo writer Jeanette Winterson.

Libra illustration

Libra, Sep 24 – Oct 23

Big picture: Three outer planets in your opposite and complementary sign on the astro-wheel — which is also the sign of creative innovation – emphasise the Libran imperative to do what you do best. Make this a beautiful, Venusian year.

Money matters: When money’s too tight to mention, it’s always worthwhile investing in your professional presentation. And lavishing the occasional windfall on something wonderful just to keep endorphins oiled and pleasure centres lubricated.

Connections: This year’s challenge will be distinguishing the faux from the real deal. Saturn offers support for sorting rascals from reliables and refining the way you interact with others in straightforward ways.


The inner you: This year’s Libran balancing act? Between yourself and others, your inner and outer personas: The radical and conventional, material and mystic, romantic and realistic, spiritual and sensible. Between what you want to do and what you must.

Food for thought: “You have to trust what you think. If you splinter yourself and try to please everyone, you can’t. You have to listen, then put that to the side and know that what you do matters.” Libran photographer Annie Leibovitz.

Scorpio illustration.

Scorpio, Oct 24 -Nov 22

Big picture: Three planets this year in the sign of the solo operator and your personal sector of work ask: Is what you’re currently doing what you really came here to do? Are you passionate about the way you spend your days?


Money matters: The present planetary dance recommends a more open-ended approach to alternative ways of earning income. Saturn suggests rethinking an old money-making scheme from a more current, contemporary angle.

Connections: This year exerts a powerful pull to new ways of seeing and being. Deep connections are your thing. As time becomes increasingly precious, so does your selection of who and what you spend it on.

The inner you: What needs deleting or tweaking in your life? If you have to cut losses, reframe this as an exciting makeover you haven’t had to pay for. And remember that requesting assistance can be a sign of wisdom, not weakness.

Food for thought: “You’ve got to shake your fists at lightning now/You’ve got to roar like forest fire/You’ve got to spread your light like blazes all across the sky/ Come on now, you’ve got to try.” — Judgement of the Moon and Stars by Scorpio songwriter Joni Mitchell.

Sagittarius illustration.

Sagittarius, Nov 23 – Dec 21

Big picture: Neptune, the planet of imagination and higher ideals, along with Saturn, the instiller of discipline and responsibility, both moving into the Sagittarian sector of fun, creativity and leadership make these three words the key to navigating this year’s unstable conditions.

Money matters: Economic benefits are most likely to accrue from networking, referrals and recommendations as Jupiter’s transits bring financial advantages through people you know. Either by partnering with them or by introductions to influential contacts, possibly via a bequest or loan.

Connections: When your expansive mentor planet Jupiter settles into the zodiac’s base of operations this June, it becomes much more important for peripatetic Sagittarians to have somewhere they call home. To nourish close relationships with your families of origin and choice, your like-minded crew.


The inner you: Jupiter’s mid-year move into one of the zodiac’s most empathetic placements comes with a beautiful opportunity to upgrade your emotional intelligence. To listen to your own inner wisdom. To trust intuition rather than impulse.

Food for thought: “We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it than any other person can be.” Sagittarian novelist Jane Austen.

Capricorn illustration.

Capricorn, Dec 22- Jan 20

Big picture: This year’s hottest news from the cosmic press for Capricorns is your mentor planet Saturn homing in to expand and enhance your base of operations.


Money matters: None of us can take anything with us when we go, and ancestry-oriented Capricorns know it’s the legacy we leave behind that matters. This year’s true wealth comes from investing where you can in charitable ventures and ethical spending.

Connections: As astral energetics conspire to throw life’s pieces in the air you get the chance to reassemble your personal jigsaw into a new, updated pattern. This year calls for reaching out: Joining groups, contacting old friends and making new ones.

The inner you: Capricorns trust the evidence of their senses: What they can buy, own and stash in the bank. But as this year’s invisible energies make their presence felt, you could delight yourself and surprise everyone else by exploring avenues that you normally would not.

Food for thought: “I want now to be the Golden Age. If only each generation would realise that the time for greatness is right now when they’re alive. The time to flower is now.” Capricorn songwriter Patti Smith.


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