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Your Monthly Horoscope for February 2025

Here's what's in store for you this month.
Here's your weekly horoscope for February 3-9, 2025.

As we enter a new month, the slate is wiped clean and there are endless possibilities for growth. See what’s in store for your relationships, career, and emotions in the month ahead, here’s your February horoscope for 2025.


Aquarius, Jan 21–Feb 19

Waterpourers’ birthday month kicks off in vivid style at a cracking pace as your planet ruler, Uranus, emerges from its five-month hibernation. Bringing with it a feeling of release and freedom. Your astrological birthday present is the celestial messenger Mercury joining the Sun in Aquarius for the first half of February. So, put that evolutionary Aquarian mind to tweaking the quantum stream of possibilities while the force is with you. Whether you’re writing, speaking face-to-face, or communicating with small groups or larger organisations, share the inspirational downloads you’re likely to receive wisely.

Pisces, Feb 20–Mar 20

When Mercury flows midmonth into your lyrical, fluid sign and February’s communications segue from intellectual to intuitive, the life of Pisceans moves into increasingly upbeat rhythms. And as the Sun teams up with Saturn, Neptune and Mercury in your sign for this month’s final days, it might be time to believe that you can achieve that dream you wise and watery ones have. When this year’s new-start new moon in Pisces on February 28 forms a fabulous planetary quintet in your sign, tune in for illuminating clues about how to proceed.  

Aries, Mar 21–Apr 21

Vivacious Venus shimmying into Aries this month wants you to ditch flamethrower communications for sweeter-than-honey speech styles. The love planet warms everything that you think, say, and do with your personal way of interacting. And the word most conducive to love is “yes”. A lover says yes to life. So say yes to joy. Yes to people. Yes to differences of opinion. The thirteenth-century Persian poet Hafez wrote that just one exchange of love sustains us for days. So, make it your mission for this big red heart month to say yes to nourishing everyone you meet. 

Taurus, Apr 22–May 21

Uranus retrograde in Taurus since last September has constantly challenged you to embrace change and you have, at your own signature pace. This month Uranus the Rearranger is on the move again in your sign, inviting your unconventional side to stretch and let go of familiar but outgrown personas, styles and presentations. There couldn’t be more planetary support available than Jupiter making current choices less about expectations, and more about enjoyment, and your boss planet Venus flashing into her hottest zodiac zone, racy, and impatient for innovation.


Gemini, May 22–Jun 22

Jovial Jupiter jetting out of retrograde in Gemini this month says go right ahead and enjoy your favourite things. For example, socialising, networking, schmoozing, making new connections, and brainstorming exciting ideas. Some may be unwilling to get on board with your latest ideas, but others will love them. Mercury’s current advice is to not waste time arguing ideologies. Simply treat this month’s inconveniences as alternative routes to better outcomes. Juicy opportunities and entertaining revelations abound, even if your mind tries to tell you otherwise.

Cancer, Jun 23–Jul 23

With Mars taking a retrograde staycation in your sign, home is where the heart — and the heat — is this month. The retrospective transit of Mars through Cancer reminds you that emotional sensitivity can be a source of both strength and courage. It upholds strongly felt practical action and accompanies public support for issues related to reproductive rights, family, children, and housing. February’s major caution for Cancerians is to check a tendency to look too long in the rearview mirror, especially around the supersensitive new moon on February 28.

Leo, Jul 24–Aug 23

With February’s emphasis on colleagues and competitors, it’s worth paying extra attention to public relations and private partnerships and considering judicious alliances. The price required for favourable creative endeavours and fun adventures? Compromise, cooperation, consideration, and commitment. Yes, you’re born to lead, but this month’s rewards go to team players. The annual full moon in Leo on February 12 could bring a crossroads moment of deciding whether to stick with the tried and true or try something new. Whatever you choose, it’s time for a body, mind, heart, and spirit reset.

Virgo, Aug 24–Sep 23

Your mentor planet, Mercury, in two of its most free-spirited and intuitive placements this month invites you to flirt with the diverse and impromptu. While you love above all to be well prepped and ready, go ahead with routine maintenance and planning but leave enough wiggle room for the unexpected and spontaneous. February’s astral energetics support letting go of old war stories and giving the past a decent burial. Awarding yourself the divine valentine of self-kindness, and the emotional and intellectual nourishment of discussing ideas with like-minded others. 


Libra, Sep 24–Oct 23

With this month’s astral activity in your zodiac zone of self-expression and entertainment, how Libran is that? But, your planet guide, Venus, in firecracker mode is at her most impulsive and easily bored. Impatient, cranky people don’t make for a peaceful world, so how to channel her restless energy in the most positive directions? Be creative, spontaneous, and ready for swift transitions. Welcome to the recycling of cast and sets. If you could change one thing to make the world better this month, what would it be… And will you do it?

Scorpio, Oct 24–Nov 22

This quixotic, contrarian month of endings and beginnings brings some closure, and other openings as passions heat and cool, and bonds strengthen or sever. Either way, expect variations of pace and direction as Neptune and Uranus change the gameplay. With celestial influences giving relationships a workout, some things are likely to get harder before they get better, and uncomfortable energies surface to be addressed so progress can proceed. Nothing wrong or to be avoided here, it’s simply a step in the process. That said, February makes tangible advances and springs some delightful surprises.

Sagittarius Nov 23–Dec 21

It’s obvious that what’s been broken in personal lives and the wider world can’t go back to the way it was. There has to be a whole new template. This month’s liberating, livewire energetics and radical, life-changing ideas are giving Sagittarian identities an epic overhaul. As February’s Uranian and Neptunian vibes slip and slide between exciting and deflating, you could easily get swept into a challenging mashup of clashing agendas. In this case, don’t let emotional turbulence rule your world. State your case with reserve, respect, and firmness; be diplomatic, tactful, and discreet.

Capricorn, Dec 22–Jan 20

Been so busy lately that you’ve neglected to let others know how much they mean to you? Then give it up big to nearest, dearest friends and colleagues this month. And once love’s in the air, do whatever it takes to keep it there. Unusual invitations, provocative offers, sudden pop-up possibilities and unexpected dilemmas are all on this month’s storyboard, plus lightning strikes of realisation as old roles disintegrate. Challenging yes, but just continue as the responsible, reasonable being you are without settling for the familiar and comfortable or stubbornly resisting the emerging unknown.    


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