As we enter a new month, the slate is wiped clean and there are endless possibilities for growth. See what’s in store for your relationships, career, and emotions in the month ahead, here’s your September horoscope for 2024.
Virgo, Aug 24 – Sep 23
As September celebrates your month in the sun, feel its rush of spring optimism lifting you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to compost what’s no longer wanted or needed into fuel for your new astrological year. Your ruling planet Mercury moving into Virgo midmonth mandates against doing everything yourself, so delegate or hire help. Then you can fully surrender to letting the September 18 full moon calm your nerves, ease that Virgo tendency to worry, soothe your inner critic and help celebrate the poetry of life’s gloriously messy and unfinished things.
Libra, Sep 24 – Oct 23
Early September’s new moon invites a delicious spring clean, inner and outer: Everything from unhelpful habits to what makes it onto your dinner plate. Mars makes this is a peak period for home entertaining, and Venus in Libra for most of the month advises snapping up some snazzy athleisure wear and investing in a new exercise routine. Partnerships prosper from September’s spring equinox onwards when day and night are equal length, and the sun in your sign ushers in the return of light, the season of warmth and a new growth cycle.
Scorpio, Oct 24 – Nov 22
Pluto revisiting your communication zone – which won’t come again in this lifetime – extends a final opportunity for deep reflection and meaningful conversations. September’s spring equinox heralds the time to retire the lone-wolf persona for a month of joint ventures in business and pleasure, during which success is most likely achieved by keeping an open mind to people outside your usual type. When Venus sashays into Scorpio on September 23 and seduction becomes an art form, keep your sultry magic, charisma and powers of persuasion focused on what makes you happy.
Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21
The first half of September’s uneasy alliance between pushy Mars, gullible Neptune and inflationary Jupiter advises enjoying entertaining stories and the possibility of exciting future adventures … but understand the difference between truth and a tall tale before you sign on. That said, while it’s great to have a plan backed by facts and figures, it’s also easy to get overwhelmed with practical details, and without the passion, what’s the point? Let the September 12 waxing moon in your enterprising and wide-angled sign put that visionary spring back in your step.
Capricorn, Dec 22 – Jan 20
Since 2008, Pluto in Capricorn has shaken up governments, corporations and economies. The small but potent powerhouse planet passes through each sign only every 250 years – so its backtrack into Capricorn until October 11 is the last time in your life to experience its influence on your sign. What does this mean for you? An in-depth look at your financial structures and ways of earning money would not go amiss. Ask questions about sustainability and accountability. Listen for a call to action to step into your leadership and be the change you want to see in the world.
Aquarius, Jan 21 – Feb 19
As your unpredictable planet guide Uranus launches its five-month reversal through the sign of money and your base of operations, it’s advisable to keep a stash of extra cash on hand for the unexpected. Financial changes aren’t necessarily a bad thing. If income slows, this could allow time and space to think about developing an indie venture or business. Around September 20, when the sun sparks a confidence-boosting connection with innovative Uranus, it’s worthwhile investigating new terrain. Keep trying different approaches and your trailblazing attempts could initiate a breakthrough.
Pisces, Feb 20 – Mar 20
This month’s energy in your opposite and complementary sign on the zodiac wheel provides the welcome balance of routine to your meandering Piscean style. If you could use a life edit, early September’s masterplanning new moon will help you pare down, streamline and prioritise for maximum efficiency. Your reward for this arrives with the lunar lift of the annual Pisces full moon on September 18. It will call your creative spirit to follow where serendipities beckon, to let the muse lead you to celebrate music, art, poetry and people who inspire you.
Aries, Mar 21 – Apr 21
This month’s tricky choreography asks you to balance your brilliantly quick perception with patience and empathy, while Aries’ planet mentor Mars says consider ideas without rushing to act as all the cards aren’t on the table yet. September’s love language is acts of service and you’re an active sign, so offer others extra TLC and thoughtful support at this time. Aries can be hard on themselves but mistakes are lessons in disguise, so reframe them into the priceless teachings they are. At the September 18 full moon, soften that warrior’s edge with self-care and tend your nest – your body will thank you.
Taurus, Apr 22 – May 21
September’s start-up sun and moon in the sign of service encourage making a difference for someone this month by going the extra mile. Should Uranus reversing in your sign bring financial rearrangements, your prima planet Venus supports your processing them graciously by focusing on beauty and the arts, important values for any Taurus, as is growing things: plants, flowers, vegies, a business. If you’ve been wanting to heal a relationship, the annual full moon on September 18 in the sign of compassionate understanding offers the possibility of forgiveness in a peacemaking conversation.
Gemini, May 22 – Jun 22
When your planet guide Mercury moves from expressive, opinionated and not entirely objective mode on September 11 to its most efficient, analytical transit, your train of thought becomes streamlined for maximum effectiveness. This is your month to establish order by organising, tracking and strategising; also starting new habits by writing them down and planning ahead – but keep it simple. As the silicate planet finally relaxes into Libra during September’s last days, the astrological atmosphere lightens and your fun-loving, entertaining self comes back out to play.
Cancer, Jun 23 – Jul 23
September’s new moon sprints into spring with new resolutions to shake off winter weight with lean eating and more exercise, backed up by Mars zooming into your domestic sign for the next two months. The red planet’s motivational influence can inspire renovations, redecorating or even a home-based business – but it can also escalate tensions, so try to make sure everyone has enough personal space. Explore efficient systems, break projects into actionable steps, and spend time out of the house channelling emotions into healthy outlets like practising random acts of kindness.
Leo, Jul 24 – Aug 23
Buzzy Mercury in Leo for the first half of September could have you overbooked and juggling a dozen things at once. When disruptive Uranus and the annual Sun/Saturn stand-off kick in, it might feel like the universe is raining on your parade. Don’t let this dampen your spirits, take what’s useful from feedback. If you’ve been committed to one plan or point of view, you may need to be prepared to look at it from a different angle. Approach problems with a sense of curiosity, be willing to learn new techniques and above all enjoy the creative process.