
Thinning hair? Simple tweaks to boost healthy hair growth

We aren’t all blessed with the ‘luscious locks’ gene, but you can encourage your hair’s health and growth.

If you’ve noticed a larger than usual amount of hair in your hairbrush, or your ponytail isn’t as thick as it used to be, you could be experiencing hair loss. On average, we lose around 100 hairs a day in normal hair loss as our follicles grow, shed and renew with new hairs (which explains why we find them everywhere). But other factors can cause hair to fall out and for the renewal process to slow new growth, which leads to thinning.  

According to the Jean Hailes institute for women’s health, there are many types of hair loss in women, the most common being female pattern hair loss (FPHL). A gradual thinning at the part line or the crown of the head are early signs.

Other causes of hair loss in women include genetics, menopause, a major health or medical event, post-pregnancy, anorexia, an autoimmune disorder (such as alopecia areata) and hormonal conditions such as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

Losing around 100 hairs a day is completely normal, but if you’re concerned about hair loss or thinning, seek advice from your GP or healthcare provider. Getty.

Hair loss is common, but it can be complex too, so if you’re noticing significant hair fall or you are concerned, it’s important to seek medical advice to investigate what’s causing it.

“Women should really trust their instincts. They know their own bodies,” says Dr Nellie Torkamani, endocrinologist for Jean Hailes. “If there is a significant amount of hair loss in the shower or in your brush, then it might be time to talk to your GP.”

Encouraging hair growth and maintaining a healthy scalp means taking a holistic approach to your wellness and wellbeing. Even a few simple lifestyle tweaks can make a positive contribution. By incorporating these simple lifestyle factors into your routine, you can promote optimal conditions for healthy hair growth and overall hair health.

Boost your diet

Ensure you’re eating a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients essential for hair health, such as vitamins (particularly vitamin A, C, D, and E) and minerals (including iron, zinc, and selenium). Protein is also important and foods like eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables can support healthy hair growth.

Reduce alcohol and other toxins

Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption have been linked to hair loss, so minimising or quitting these habits can benefit your hair and your health in general.

Keep moving

Regular physical activity promotes good circulation which includes blood flow to the scalp, which can support hair growth. Every bit counts, so pop on those sneakers and walk to the shops or hop off the bus a stop earlier to get your steps up.

Regular exercise stimulates circulation, boosts your mood and is great for your overall health and wellbeing. Getty.

Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water daily helps maintain the health of your scalp and hair follicles. Aim for between 6-8 glasses a day for optimal hydration.

Tweak your haircare routine

If you’re trying to encourage hair growth, opt for hairstyles that minimise stress on the hair shaft. Avoid tight ponytails that pull on your scalp and hair in favour of a loose braid or a messy bun to help protect hair from damage.

Choose the right hair products

Show your hair some TLC by avoiding harsh hair treatments such as bleaching or dramatic colour processing. Go easy with hot hair tools and high-heat hairdryers, too.

Keep your scalp clean and healthy with a mild shampoo can help prevent clogged hair follicles and scalp infections that may inhibit hair growth. Choose products for your individual hair type that offer nourishing ingredients that nurture your scalp and de-stress your tresses.

Manage your stress

Stress also be a contributing factor to hair loss, so practicing stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in activities you enjoy can help to reduce your stress levels.

Meditation, exercise, hobbies and relaxation are all effective ways to help manage stress. Getty.

Prioritise your beauty sleep

Hopping into bed early is an act of self-care, because getting enough quality sleep is essential for overall health, including hair health. When you are asleep, your body does its best repair work to regenerate cells and tissues, including hair follicles.

Consider a supplement

In some cases, supplementation with vitamins or minerals, such as biotin, collagen, or omega-3 fatty acids, may support healthy hair growth. Every person’s needs are different, so it’s worth doing your homework to find what’s right for you. If you’re not sure, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements to ensure they are safe and appropriate for you and won’t react with any medications you may be taking.

The Hairy Pill has clinically proven ingredients to treat female hair loss and stimulate regrowth. Supplied.

Try a treatment

Clinical hair loss and hair thinning services are now available via telehealth. The Hairy Pill is a personalised treatment accessed by Australian doctors and pharmacists, tailored to you, all online. Each person’s hair is different, as are their needs, so find what’s right for you.

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