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Your weekly horoscope for January 27–February 2, 2025

Here's what's in store for your zodiac sign this week.
Here's your weekly horoscope for February 3-9, 2025.

This week we welcome the Year of the Green Wood Snake, which in Eastern astrology and the Western zodiac symbolises wisdom, agility, flexibility and dynamic change. 


Here’s your weekly horoscope for January 27–February 2, 2025.

Aquarius, Jan 20–Feb 18

As the Snake Year forces you through portals of change, expect challenges to the ways you operate. Get used to having your perceptions questioned, redefined, and refined. Cool-blooded snakes are loners, but Aquarians most able to nourish others are the ones most destined to prosper this year.

Pisces, Feb 18–Mar 20

Discipline, commitment, and follow-through are all easier for Pisces in a Snake Year. And all crucial when connecting with collective energy, which you’ll be doing this year more than ever. So stay physically and spiritually hydrated and live by your own intuitive, serpentine, sinuous, slinky rhythms.

Aries, Mar 21–Apr 19

The year of the Snake softens and slows your fiery self into appreciating lifelessness as a blessing. But the Snake Year’s group involvement does need constant monitoring to be aware of enemies, so slither carefully, glide warily, and try to avoid snakes in the grass.


Taurus, Apr 20–May 20

Taurans thrive in a methodical environment of orderly routines calculated to shield you against the messy business of growth and change. The Snake Year brings healing of the physical body through the release of the past: shedding skins to the sleek new and improved version of your original design.

Gemini, May 21–Jun 20

Get ready for this year to transform you from the inside out as Gemini’s dark and light sides, devil and angel, learn to work together in an amicable partnership. When old patterns surface, take private hibernation time to sit with them, observing and moving through emotions to a more peaceful clarity.

Cancer, Jun 21–Jul 22

Snakes like feeling secure and protected: sound like someone you know? The savvy serpent year highlights those stories you tell yourself to keep close people and property safe. Its challenge? Loving the constantly changing nature of reality. Your mantra? “I have all I need to do what I must”. 

Leo, Jul 23–Aug 22

The Snake Year quietly asks the big questions which you must ask yourself: Are you living up to your full potential? Making meaningful contributions to your community? Expressing yourself creatively? It challenges you to build a legacy of lasting value. Plus, the more people benefit from your efforts the greater you’ll find your personal rewards.


Virgo, Aug 23–Sep 22

Like a snake keeps its belly to the ground, Virgos should trust gut hunches from the snake brain this year, even when they don’t make sense to you. As mindsets, friends and familiar situations change, watch who stays and what goes. Begin a practice of thinking this and that, rather than either/or.

Libra, Sep 23–Oct 22

Snake Year favors the arts, and is reputedly good for grants. Also for decreasing the perennial distractions of vino and cappuccino and really learning to love the Libra in the mirror: not in a vain way, but truly and deeply so you feel confident of making the wisest decisions on your own behalf.

Scorpio, Oct 23–Nov 21

It’s said a Snake Year makes people intense, demanding and passionate. Scorpios are already blessed and cursed with feeling the highest joy, deepest grief, sweetest tears, and most bitter rage, allowing you to empathize and guide others through life’s rites of passage. Use these superpowers for good this year.

Sagittarius, Nov 22–Dec 21

Eastern astrology decrees gambling taboo during a Snake Year, which includes taking reckless chances on romance, finance or any other circumstance. This year shifts Sagittarian focus from greener pastures home to your own heart and each time you take a snaky slide, it extends a helping ladder.


Capricorn, Dec 22–Jan 19

The year of the cautious, purposeful, shrewd Snake seems superbly tailored for Capricorns. It allows you to move forward at a steady, structured pace because of all the foundational groundwork you’ve laid. Although you’ll be squeezed through the transformational wringer into the latest version of your best self.

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