The 2025 season of Married at First Sight is well underway, and considering the reality show’s track record, it’s fair to wonder:
‘Who is still together from MAFS 2025?’
Here’s what we know so far…

Lauren and Eliot
The first couple to tie the knot in the 2025 season were Lauren and Eliot. It seemed like a match made in heaven at first: they both had high expectations and held traditional, conservative values.
And yet, Eliot broke it off with Lauren on day two of the honeymoon. He was frustrated that the experts paired him with someone older — he’s 35 and she’s 37.
Eliot also cited Lauren’s obsession with luxury handbags as a reason for leaving… Hilarious as not once did Lauren say anything about luxury handbags.
In short, no, Lauren and Eliot are not still together.

Katie and Tim
Katie and Tim; where do we begin? As soon as the wedding ceremony was over, Tim told MAFS producers that there was “no spark” and Katie is not what he usually goes for — he prefers “petite and blonde” women.
Then throughout the day, Tim was very awkward towards Katie. He even refused to kiss her cheek while they cut the cake.
Poor Katie couldn’t figure out what was going on until later that night when Tim — off-camera — told her about his lack of spark.
Despite hearing such blunt news, Katie still decided to go on a honeymoon with Tim.
While there, Katie tried asking Tim about himself, but he constantly dismissed her with basic, short-syllable answers.
Then when she confronted him about not trying to get to know her because he’s hung up on not having a physical attraction, he flew off the handle and said that wasn’t true.
Flash forward to the first MAFS dinner party of the 2025 season, and Tim constantly deflected questions about his wedding and honeymoon. He then gaslit Katie into thinking she was the one responsible for their problems — something only Jamie noticed and called him out on.
Tim then decided that he wouldn’t move in with Katie.
He did surprisingly turn up to the first Commitment Ceremony though.
But unsurprisingly, during the ceremony, both Katie and Tim opted to leave; meaning they are not still together!

Awhina and Adrian
Awhina and Adrian’s relationship has been hot and cold. One minute they’re good, and the next they’re fighting.
To backtrack, they got off to an awkward start when Adrian made a joke about having kids during the wedding ceremony — Awhina is a mother to a six-year-old.
However, the couple patched things up during the reception when Adrian said he was open to a relationship with Awhina even though she has a child from a previous relationship.
Things were looking positive for a little while there. Awhina and Adrian seemed happy on their honeymoon and were even intimate.
But the experts’ honeymoon box started a fight… Essentially, Adrian said he doesn’t know whether he can love Awhina’s son as much as his own hypothetical kids.
When the couple arrived at the first dinner party though, it was clear that they’d patched things up… So, for now, Awhina and Adrian are still together.

Tony and Morena
After having one of the sweetest weddings this season, it looked like Tony and Morena would be joining the nine other MAFS couples who have stood the test of time.
But when the couple started living together, Tony started zoning out during a challenge and later told producers that Morena “sure can talk.”
While Tony and Morena are still together, we smell trouble brewing… So watch this space!

Paul and Carina
Even though Paul and Carina previously dated and broke up before the experiment, they decided that fate must have brought them back together for a reason.
So, after Paul apologised for ghosting Carina, they gave it another shot.
And it’s clear the couple are immensely happy. They were intimate on their honeymoon and all smiles during the first dinner party.
In short, yes, Paul and Carina are still together.

Jamie and Dave
Talk about a success story; Jamie and Dave were smitten with one another from the second they met.
And throughout the experiment thus far, they’ve gotten along like a house on fire — so yes, Jamie and Dave are still together.

Sierah and Billy
Sierah and Billy started off great and things have only gotten better.
The couple were all smiles during their wedding and then went on to have a wonderful honeymoon.
And during the Confessions Letter challenge, Billy opened up about the poor relationship he has with his father. Sierah really appreciated his vulnerability and the two passionately embraced.
So, we think it’s safe to say that Sierah and Billy are still together.

Jeff and Rhi
Just like Paul and Carina, Jeff and Rhi dated before the experiment.
But unlike Paul and Carina, they didn’t end things on bad terms; they mutually decided they were better as friends.
Despite being a little disappointed on their wedding day, the two ultimately decided to give a romantic relationship another go.
However, the two act more like friends than lovers… Perhaps their relationship will deepen as the MAFS season continues though, so watch this space.

Ashleigh and Jake
Ashleigh and Jake instantly connected on their wedding day, and things looked promising.
However, during the Photo Ranking challenge, Jake made some comments about the other brides that upset Ashleigh. These comments led to a confrontation and an awkward Commitment Ceremony; Ashleigh wanted to stay and work it out, but Jake wanted to leave.
Despite MAFS rules stating that a couple must stay in the experiment if one of them writes ‘stay’ during the ceremony, Jake packed up his bags and left.
So, in short, no, Ashleigh and Jake are not still together.

Jacqui and Ryan
All we can say about Jacqui and Ryan is there are red flags aplenty in their relationship.
Things got particularly heated when Ryan ranked Jacqui third in the Photo Ranking challenge.
And matters were made worse when Jacqui retaliated during the Ex Files challenge by saying her ex had a “god-like body.”
The couple are still together for now, but watch this space.
New episodes of Married at First Sight air on Channel 9 and 9now on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.